What is the Law of Detachment?

Understanding the Law of Detachment over cream ruffled sheets

Understanding the Law of Detachment

I first learned about the Law of Detachment from the book Seven Spirituals Laws of Sucess by Deepak Chopra.

While I know this may sound counterintuitive in sound, in practice, it makes total sense. The Law of Detachment asks you to state your clear intention (aka manifestation) and detach yourself from the outcome. You create desire when you state what you want and then relinquish yourself from the result. The Universe is searching for your desire and wants to make it happen.

When we manifest something, we often try to influence it by micromanaging, manipulating, or forcing the intent to come toward us. When you spend too much time worrying about the delivery of the manifestation and not the journey, you will cause blockages (aka resistance) to achieve your desire.

I Still Don’t Get it. I need a Better Example…

Let's use a hypothetical example. There may have been one or two times in your dating life when you were beginning to get to know someone, but these people start giving you red flags from the jump. They are endlessly calling, texting, sending you selfies of themselves, and constantly asking WYD (what are you doing). So much so that you can't go 10 minutes without hearing your phone go off. This person is giving you stage 5 clinger vibes. It has gotten so bad that you turn off your ringer or, on the extreme end, just block them. They reek of desperation.

That's how the Universe works. If you start acting like a stage 5 clinger to your manifestations, the Universe will get annoyed and put you on ice until you can calm down.

How can I work on accepting the Law of Detachment?

Simple. The Universe is looking for a state of desire, not one of desperation.

You must know this; the Universe will deliver precisely what you need when you need it. Returning to the blog post about manifestations, sometimes your blessing is a gift wrap as an obstacle. Accept these obstacles as opportunities and see how your blessings and desires multiple. Stop becoming frustrated when you THINK your manifesting isn't working. You could be stoping the very thing you need by allowing your ego to get in the way.


Detachment is easy to understand but can be hard to execute for some. Once you detach and let events come to you as they are, you will no longer be in a state of resistance and instead be in a state of receiving.

If you are looking to Manifest all your goals as we head into 2023, please see this new work that will release in August!

Wonderland Boudoir
Dallas Boudoir Studio, Wonderland Boudoir, is the premium boudoir studio that helps empowerment woman through beautiful and sultry boudoir photos that will last a lifetime.

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