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How to Manifest Your Dream Life

Be sure to check out PART ONE of how to Manifest the Life of your Dreams. In today's post, I will to provide four additional ways on how you can plan, create, and manifest the life of your dreams.

As stated in the previous post, I personally define manifestation as the deliberate action initiated by thought to bring forth a change in your physical world experience. 

To Manifest the Life of your Dreams:

1.) Protect your Energy At All Costs 

Energy vampires are a real thing. Energy vampires is a term used to describe individuals that drain you of your light and emotional energy. These people can be anyone, friends, family, or coworkers.  

Remove people from your life that want to suck you dry. While your inner light isn't limited, the constant draining for your energy can leave you exhausted or frustrated. 

2.) Remember, Money is a TOOL. It isn't a goal. 

Before we argue, let me validate you first. You're 100% right; you need money to live comfortably. However, I want to challenge you on why money isn't the goal. 

Think about it this way: Imagine money as a hammer. You are using that hammer to build your dream home. Once your home is complete, you no longer have an actual use for the hammer. Yes, you can use it to fix things around your house that need updates or upgrades, but for the most part, you only pull it out when you need it.  

That's how money should be for you. Money will come naturally in your manifestation because the universe will know that's the tool you need to obtain your highest expression. It will place what you need when you need it.

However, money will not make you more or less happy. What money will do is make you more or less comfortable. Therefore, when manifesting, you should aim to manifest happiness. Money will naturally flow through the process.

3.) Your Mental Health Comes First

Every time you're on a flight before take off, you have the case of an emergency speech. In that speech, the airlines recommend placing your mask on first before you help anyone else. It's the same in life. 

Too many of us have thought putting ourselves first is an act of selfishness. Let me be the one to break it to you, it's not. If we don't place our health and well-being first and something happens, we cannot continue to help others. 

4.) Give Back 

Give back when possible. Additionally, when you give, give with your whole heart. Give even if you don't know what they will do with that money. Because what you're doing is providing with ONLY the intention of good. 

If you give to an unhoused person and they use the money to buy drugs, that's not your fault. However, share on your terms. For example, if you don't want to give money, but want to provide food, then give food.  

During these last six months, I also found myself paying it forward because I was receiving an abundance from the universe. During the act of giving, I always gave gratitude for being fortunate enough to be in a position to provide. For example, I was in the grocery store one day, and an older woman was in front of me using an EBT card. Well, the card covered all but $10 of her items. She didn't have any additional money, and the cashier advised her that she would have to take some items off. As I watched her pick through her things, I noticed she was about to give him back food essentials. As someone blessed with the money I needed, who the was I to let her put back the food she needed. I told the cashier I would cover the balance for her. The lady didn't thank me. I didn't care because I'm not entitled to her gratitude. Also, let's not act like that can't be embarrassing. The only thing I needed to do was help her out. 

When you help others, when you're in the position to help others, the universe wants to give you more. However, I cannot stress enough to offer when you REALLY want to share. Please, only give from the heart, not because you think you're going to gain from the giving, not because you feel obligated, and definitely, not because you feel pressured. It has to come through pure intentions because you WANT to do it. Only give if you can afford to lose it. You don't want to give and then hold on to resentment. Resentment will place you in an energy of resistance which will cause blockages for your receiving.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog and the previous post. Manifestation is a compelling method for achieving what you need in this life. Remember that when you manifest, it's for the goal of happiness, not money. Always place your mental health first, give when it feels right, and ONLY give when you can give that won't put you in a tight spot. 

Please check out my manifestation book right here!